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The Most Important Things I've Learned Along The Entrepreneurship Journey

Aug 15, 2024

7 min read

Why We Need Empowerment Quotes That Harness Entrepreneurs To Empower Lives!

Many entrepreneurs tend to overcomplicate things, but the truth is, it's easy to make things work.

In fact, the more complicated something seems, the less likely it is to be done well. In other words, the easier something is to do, the more likely it is to be done well. 

So if you want to make your business successful, you need to focus on the things already available to you that you can focus on how to do it now, and make sure that you stay focused on the things with shorter goals timeframe first.

Empowerment quotes help entrepreneurs overcome obstacles, find solutions, make things happen, and build successful businesses.

These quotes can be written by anyone, especially by entrepreneurs who have walked through the lives they want to build based on their terms. 

They can be motivational or inspirational, but they all have the same purpose—‘Giving people the courage and strength to succeed!’

Ivy's Approach to Empowerment Quotes

When someone tells you entrepreneurship is easy, you can work on the beach, earn while you sleep, or business is always about selling, please run away as fast as possible!

Because, to achieve something, you must work hard and do everything possible to succeed!

Working hard is a must to achieve your goals and embrace the journey because I can tell you that the journey will not be easy. It's tough!

But at the same time, it's doable! You don't have to wait for others to help you because no one else will if you don't believe in yourself.

We've all been there. You're sitting at a business meeting, looking around the conference table, wondering what it would be like to be one of those people sitting on the other side. You are not alone!

“... And Before You Even Realize It, Everyone Begins From Somewhere …”

The good news is that harness entrepreneurs are, by their very nature, optimistic individuals who see opportunity in every situation and believe that anything is possible with hard work and persistence. 

I'm thrilled to share some of my favorite quotes from harness entrepreneurs on success, persistence, failure, and more. 

Here are the "Top 15 Harness Entrepreneurs' Quotes To Empower Lives" by Ivy Chen.

"Empowerment isn't something to be achieved but to be embraced."–Ivy Chens.

If only you allow yourself to use it, you have the power within you. Empowerment is not external; it cannot be given by others or taken away by them. It comes from within each one of us. It's our mindset and choice whether we will empower ourselves. Empowerment means being the best version of yourself. This is achievable even when things aren't going exactly according to plan.

"Being able to make decisions in life is Empowerment. So, hold your horses, for you can choose what you do, how you spend your time, and how you live your life."–Ivy Chens.

Empowerment is a decision. It's a lifestyle. It's a way of thinking that can be achieved by anyone who wants to be empowered. Of course, Empowerment doesn't happen overnight; it takes time and effort! But once you decide to live your life with Empowerment, it will become natural for you to think positively and make empowering choices in your day-to-day life.

"Empowerment is a journey to get staying power when you fail."–Ivy Chens.

You can get staying power by being empowered, not by being in control of things that are out of your control. When you are not in control of what you are in control of, you will have all kinds of problems. The ego is always trying to control the world. It's very interesting. There's a huge amount of suffering worldwide caused by people who think they control their lives. The truth is, everything falls into place only when you allow it! 

"Each failed trial in your entrepreneurship journey is shaped through the process of Empowerment."–Ivy Chens.

In a quote from Ivy Chen, she says that "each failed trial in your entrepreneurship journey is shaped through the process of Empowerment." That's right, and failure is not the end of the road. It's just another stepping stone to success! If you've ever had an idea for your business or product and tried to make it happen but have yet to succeed, don't worry! It happens to all entrepreneurs. Don't beat yourself up; look at what went wrong and use those lessons as fuel for future projects!

"The holding power of success is clarity in mindset, creativity in problem-solving, and integrity in oneself."–Ivy Chens.

Let's get one thing straight: you don't need to be someone to be a successful entrepreneur. The only requirement to be successful is to have an idea that people will pay for. Here are three steps to help you build your idea into a business that can change your life. Step One–Clarity: See the problem as an opportunity. Step Two–Problem-solving: Learn the way and be creative on strategy. Step Three–Integrity: Do what you should do intentionally and be coachable. Get help from those who have done it before. That's how Ivy gets started. 

"Stay long enough in whatever you are doing, say 'hello' to all the failures, and embrace all the pain no matter what it takes. You will, then, definitely, go farther!"–Ivy Chens.

If you want to be successful in your work life and business, then it's important that you stay persistent with your goals and don't give up when things get tough. You also need to embrace the pain of failure because it will help shape who you are as an entrepreneur or business owner later on down the road. Lastly, don't forget those "failed" experiences; they're golden!

"Along the entrepreneurship journey, you will have bad days. When ABC fail, look for C-B-A."–Ivy Chens.

When you fail at ABC, look for C-B-A. C is to analyze what went wrong–debrief it. B is to brainstorm ways to fix it, and A is to move on. Never stuck in the rabbit hole. Progress is the key to more to come. 

"You don't need to know much to start online marketing. But if you stick to what you know, you'll be able to start making money online without any issues."–Ivy Chens.

You don't need to know much to start online marketing. But if you stick to what you know, you'll be able to start making money online without any issues. Be bold to take risks and try new things because if you don't fail, how will you ever know what would have worked?

"Go fast enough but never the rush."–Ivy Chens.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes because you'll never learn anything if you never make any. Instead, be bold and ask for help because many want nothing but to help others succeed. 

"Focus on daily progress rather than the sales pitch, for your sales will come to you when your marketing is done right."–Ivy Chens.

When everyone is trying to sell, you will tend to focus on the sales pitch instead of daily progress. But if you're in business for the right reasons, then your marketing will come to fruition when it's time, and not before. So focus on daily progress rather than the sales pitch, for your sales will come when your marketing is done right.

"The tip for success is to accept that there will always be people who don't agree with you, so keep doing what you are doing!"–Ivy Chens.

If you get stopped by a negative person or someone who doesn't understand your passion, tell them: "This is what I'm going to do and is exactly how I want my life to be... You can either join me or go away." Remember this; you choose who you want to be with! The fact that you are still here reading my prompts is because "You Chose It."

"Clarity is when you see things as they are!"–Ivy Chens.

Clarity is a mindset, a way of thinking. It's a process, a way of life. You can also decide to have it in your life if you choose it! The word "clarity" comes from the Latin word "Clarus," which means bright or clear. In other words, when you have clarity in your mind and heart, everything around you becomes more vivid and real!

"The buying experience mattered as we only remembered how we were treated. We had long forgotten about the price."–Ivy Chens.

The buying journey is a long trip. You don't need to be an expert, but you do need the mindset of one. Clarity is when you understand what reality is. The best tip to success is to keep going no matter what. The buying experience is what matters most to customers, and it's also what shapes their beliefs about your brand or product! Beliefs impact experience and vice versa–If someone believes something will be good (like a new car), they will have a better experience with it than if they didn't believe it at all (like buying-used).

"What you believe is incredibly important, and you must know exactly how you feel. So if you are passionate about something, turn it into profit–That's the key to entrepreneurship."–Ivy Chens.

If you don't believe in something or someone else does not believe in what you want to do with your life and business, then don't try to convince them otherwise because no one will ever be able to make them see things from your point of view anyway! The only person who can do this is YOU! And even then, sometimes we all need some help along the way...but ultimately, it's always up to us whether or not we succeed or fail at anything we set out to do.

"You must think beyond the room and realize that even though your parents and teachers told you what would make you successful. There's more than one way to succeed."–Ivy Chens.

It's easy to get stuck in a rat race, especially if you've been told by everyone around you that there is only one way to success. But the truth is that there are many paths to success, and if we're not willing to be open-minded about new ideas, then we will never find our own path. This quote reminds us not only that failure is part of life but also that it can be valuable practice on how best to achieve our goals in life.

Have fun with what you do; otherwise, it means there's something wrong with how you do it. I hope these quotes have inspired you in your own entrepreneurial journey. 

Remember: The world needs more entrepreneurs! Whenever I look back to see how far my business and I have come together, the only support we had was our terrific strategy.

Love, Ivy 🖤

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Aug 15, 2024

7 min read


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